Friday, October 12, 2012

12 Ways To Extend Laptop Battery Life !!

We all know that, Our Laptops are invaluable for getting our many important work done but they are also only as good as their battery life.
Battery Life Cycle
The lifespan of a battery depends upon its life cycle,usually 350 - 500 times,the number of complete charges-discharge cycles,a battery can perform during its life span.So avoiding needless cycle of charging-discharging is the key method to expand battery life.
You can also extend life of your laptops battery with this steps......

1. One of the factors that affect life of battery is the fan.If there is dust on the fan,Laptops get heated and easily consuming more power.Based on experiences when the fan is cleaned,it start performing well and the speed too is boosted.

2. Avoid exposing your battery to heat.This includes your laptops on a pillow or blanket,which block air flow and make fan to work more.So use laptops at hard work stations.The less the cooling fan has to run,the less battery power is taken.

3. Do not obstruct ventilator of fan.

4. Set Your laptops to automatically hibernate mode after a few minutes of in-activity.

5. Avoid using screen saver it consumes more power.

6. Turn off auto save function like MS Word,Excel etc.because they keep saving at regular intervals,they work your hard drive harder than it may have to.

7. Close non-operative windows on laptops as they also consumes power.

8. Do not increase screen brightness.

9. If adapter is always available,it is recommended to take off battery with full power under this case,AC adapter is enough and the battery should be taken out and stored with 50% - 75% capacity and also fully discharging - charging every 3 months.Those who do not like to take out battery please keep AC plug in as much as possible.

10. If you are the user who have to frequently use the battery,it is strongly recommended to select power saving mode and keep AC adapter connected all the time.In this mode;the battery will be fully charged to 80% of its capacity,while before the AC adapter is unavailable;it is recommended to fully charge to 100%.In this mode battery run-time will last longer.

11. USB devices like mouse,data card,pendrive drain out power from battery,close or remove them when not in use.

12. Defrag frequently(in a week).The faster your hard drive - the lesser demand for power,you are going to put less load on hard drive.By regular defragmentaion of hard drives the efficiency of laptops is also increases .

What a Kiss means.. actually read the whole thing cause its nice!

+ Kiss on the stomach = I'm ready
+ Kiss on the Forehead = I hope we're together forever
+ Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything
+ Kiss on the Cheek = We're friends
+ Kiss on the Hand = I adore you
+ Kiss on the Neck = We belong together
+ Kiss on the Shoulder = I want you
+ Kiss on the Lips = I love you

What the gesture means...

+ Holding Hands = We definitely love each other
+ Slap on the Butt = That's mine
+ Holding on tight = I don't want to let go
+ Looking into each other's Eyes = I just plain love you
+ Playing with Hair = Tell me you love me
+ Arms around the Waist = I love you too much to let go

+Laughing while Kissing = I am completely comfortable with you

+ Dont ask for a kiss, take one.
+If you were thinking about someone while reading this,
you're definitely in Love

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Top 10 Productivity Tips

The Top 10 Productivity Tips

Hard work is old school. Smart work is where most productive friends to see how they get it right. Make the shift from hard to smart with our top 10 productivity tips.
1. Stop multi-tasking
Maybe you havent read the news yet, so wel tell you “ multi-tasking is six feet under. Its been given the last rights, buried and mourned. The idea that you can focus on more than one thing at a time and be even remotely efficient has been exposed for the BS myth it is. If you want to be productive then the first thing you want to do is FOCUS “ on one thing at a time.
2. Make Lists
Keeping track of the things you want to accomplish is way less painful when you make lists for daily, weekly and monthly tasks. Plus its so satisfying when you cross things off!
3. Get out of your InBox
How many hours do you waste every week with those ˜quick email checks that end up as hour-long black holes of ˜correspondence? Set specific times each day for checking emails, and give yourself a limit to how long youl spend each time. Every email should fall into one of three categories:
a. delete immediately
b. quick response (under 5 minutes)
c. deal with later.
*Category C should make up a tiny fraction of your emails. Deal with them at the end of your work day and get them out of your InBox before the days end.
4. Take breaks
Schedule specific breaks for yourself and stick to them. Giving yourself 10 minutes every 1.5 hours to stretch, go outside or do anything that is NOT work will give you a little brain-n-body boost.
5. Quit the chit-chat
Social hour is social hour, whether its virtual or at the local bar. Skype, Messenger, Twitter, Facebook or anything that rings, bleeps, pops, buzzes or tweets should be turned off if you want even a modicum of productive time.
6. Prioritize
What are the most important things you need to get done today, this week, this month? Do them first, when your energy is fresh. Fussing with details that dont take much brain power wastes time when youre feeling chipper. Leave those little things for times when you only have little bits of energy or focus.
7. Rise-n-Shine (early!)
When you start your day early you give yourself more time to get things done. But theres more! Once you get going (as in: out of bed), you tend to have more energy than if you slept in. (But hey, if youre aiming for ˜groggy and unmotivated then by all means, stay in bed til noon!)
8. Clear the Slate (or desk)
Make sure your work space is clear of unnecessary clutter “ and this includes your computer desk top. A cluttered space is no friend to an organized and focused mind.
9. Schedule it
Appointments, work time, fun time. Not that we want you to marry your day planner or anything, but making a basic daily, weekly and monthly schedule that balances work and play helps keep your whole life in balance.
10. File it away
When a task or project is complete, put it where it belongs. Get it out of sight and out of mind so you can focus on the next task at hand (see #8 if you dont believe us).
So there you have it “ Top 10 Productivity Tips. We know theres plenty more so now its your turn.

Health Benefits Of Spinach

Health Benefits Of Spinach

Spinach contains a strong antioxidant called kaempferol, which helps prevent the formation of cancerous cells  in the body.


These leafy greens will help slow the effects of ageing on the brain due to its folic acid conten, a B vitamin which also assists the body in maintaining  a healthy heart.


Low in calories and high in vitamins, just one cup of spinach contains more vitamin K and vitamin A than your daily requirement and nearly 40% of your magnesium requirement.


Just a single portion of spinach will help lower high blood pressure within hours due to the mineral magnesium, which helps prevent cardiovascular disease.


Spinach holds high levels of iron, which carries blood and oxygen throughout the body and is responsible for lessening fatigue and giving you that added energy boost.

Health Benefits Of Spinach

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

10 Most Useful Things To Include In Your Diet

health10 Most Useful Things To Include In Your Diet

10 of the most useful products that are worth incorporating into the diet as often as possible — Created by the very
nature of a miracle foods contain whole biologically active complexes of nutrients needed to maintain and restore
our health. Of course, the list of such products can be extended to include many kinds of grains, vegetables, fruits
and berries. After the break...
1. Fish
If the time - at least three times a week - on the menu include fish instead of meat, you can greatly reduce your risk
of heart disease and acute (atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and others), as well as blood cholesterol levels.
At the same time in their food and culinary qualities of the fish is not inferior to the meat (it contains many
beneficial substances for the human body - from 13 to 23% protein, and fats, extractives and mineral matter), but
for ease of digestion of proteins even surpasses it.
2. Bread made from rye flour, wheat flour, corn
This is the bread was staple of our ancestors. Bread made from rye flour, wheat flour, whole grain contains not only
vitamins and minerals, but also high in fiber. On its wonderful properties known to many things: fiber lowers blood
cholesterol and blood pressure, stimulates digestion and accelerates metabolism, displays the body of toxins,
promotes cell renewal and even helps preserve youth. But do not forget that all is good in moderation: too much
fiber can cause bloating and other unpleasant consequences.
3. Apples
Of the 15 vitamins necessary to man, the apples have been found 12 - a vitamin B complex, C, E, P, carotene, folic
acid and others. Many of them, and minerals (potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iodine, iron) and
sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose) as well as pectin and fiber. If every day eat apples, you can significantly reduce
the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Because these fruits cleanse the body of toxins and reduce
cholesterol. And besides, they are rich in antioxidants, which protect cells from aging.
4. Carrots
In carrots rich in vitamins A (carotene), also called vitamin beauty, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, K, P, PP, minerals
(potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine, , phosphorus, cobalt, etc.), it also contains
enzymes, fructose, glucose, lecithin, amino acids, proteins and starch. It is recommended for diseases of the
heart, liver, gallbladder, kidney, high stomach acidity, salt metabolism disorders, and various inflammatory
processes. And carrot prevents the development of cancer, improves blood and is very useful for vision.
5. Pumpkin
Pumpkin without reservation is an ideal vegetable for diet food. No wonder it is recommended to include in the diet
for many diseases: heart, blood vessels, stomach, intestine, liver, kidney, and colds. Pumpkin has no equal among
the vegetables on the content of iron, so it is indicated for the treatment of anemia. Due to the large quantity of
vitamins - C, group B, carotene, E, PP, K, T - it strengthens hair, nails, protects the skin from aging and prevents
the appearance of extra pounds. And in a lot of pumpkin pectin and natural antioxidants that remove toxins from the
body, lower cholesterol and strengthen the immune system.

6. Blackberry

This miracle berry has surpassed all others in the content of useful substances. It is full of vitamin C (to get his
daily dose for an adult should only 30-60 g of berries) and vitamin P (100 g of berries - from 5 to 10 of his daily
doses), minerals (iron, magnesium, manganese, and etc.), contains tannin, pectin and organic acids. Black currant
strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves the process of blood, lowers blood pressure and is an excellent
tool for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. And it improves the metabolism, prevents the
appearance of extra weight and is recommended for the treatment of obesity.
7. Briar
Rosehip knowingly consider means of forty diseases. He ranks first among the fruit and berry plants for the conten
t of vitamin C. A lot of it and other B vitamins (P, K, B group, carotenoids) and minerals (phosphorus, potassium
calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, chromium), contains sugar, malic and citric
acid, tannin and pectin. Infusions, decoctions, teas rosehip prevent the development of cardiovascular disease,
increase body resistance to infections and have a restorative and tonic effect.
8. Dried fruits
Dried apricots, dried apricots, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, figs, dates, dried apples and pears can serve as the
perfect replacement of sugar and sweets with all sorts of artificial additives. Dried fruits that contain vitamins,
minerals (high in potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron) and organic acids include suggestions on the menu at the
diseases of the cardiovascular system, lungs, bronchial asthma, anemia, colds. In addition, fruits are an excellent
means to strengthen the nervous system, stimulates the blood and cleanse the intestines well.
9. Green tea
Green tea, which contains many vitamins (A, K, PP, C, group B) and minerals (potassium, zinc, fluorine, iodine,
etc.), much more useful than black. This drink improves heart, kidney, liver, pancreas and enhances immunity. And
green tea normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves digestion, neutralizes free
radicals, cleanses the body of toxins, reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer and slows the aging process.
Another property of this drink - antimicrobial effect, which increases after insisting it within 2-3 days.
10. Honey
Honey is extremely useful: it increases the body's resistance to many infections and has antibacterial properties. It
is recommended to accept the treatment of diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory, etc. This
wonderful natural product contains many vitamins (C, K, E, F, group B), enzymes, organic acids and proteins, and
in the number of trace elements - whole periodic table: potassium, calcium, manganese, chromium, sodium, nickel,
silicon, magnesium, iron, copper, silver and others.

How To Overcome Exam Stress

How To Overcome Exam Stress

Exam time can be a really stressful time of year. But there are a few things you can do, even at this late stage that will help you manage your stress and do your best in the exams.
Before the exam
Make a plan. "It's important to get yourself organised," says Ben Wilkes of the University's Counselling Service. "Sit down and make a list of the things you have to do to get ready for your exams." Once you have your list, decide what needs to be done first. Prioritising your work makes it much easier to manage, but be realistic. "Don't overload yourself from day one, or you'll always be fighting to catch up. Make a plan you know you can achieve. You'll feel great when you meet your own goals."
Study when you perform best. "Some people perform best in the morning and others are more effective at night. Think about when you get the most out of your studies and plan your time around it" says Ben. "And try to avoid too many distractions. Turn your phone off, log out of Facebook and concentrate on revising. It will pay off in the long run."
Set yourself goals and rewards. You are working hard: you deserve a treat! Work on one thing at a time and finish it before you move on to the next task. "Before you start anything, decide on a reward for completing it. Maybe it's a snack, or a DVD, or twenty minutes on Facebook. When you finish, enjoy your reward, decide what you will do for your next treat and then get back to your studies."
Look after yourself. Eat regularly and try to have a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables. Avoid burning out by taking regular breaks every couple of hours or so and doing something different. Catch up with friends and family, walk the dog, or just relax for half an hour, but try to keep yourself active by scheduling in some exercise every day. A walk around the block does wonders for your concentration.
Rest is just as important as revision so make sure you get plenty of sleep. "Try to go to bed at the same time every night and get into a routine," says Ben. "You could also cut down on caffeine, alcohol and other drugs to help you get a proper night's sleep."
Be prepared. If you aren't sure about something, ask someone. Talk to your friends, lecturers and tutors. Make sure you know what you should be revising and what to expect when you go into the exam. The night before, pack up everything you need for the following day, and double-check the start time, date and venue. Once you are ready, get a good night's rest.
On the day
Arrive early, but not too early. Hanging around before an exam will only build the pressure. Stay calm and focused, and keep your distance from others who are stressing out. And don't forget to bring some water with you to take into the exam with you.
Stress is normal. "You are bound to feel a little overwhelmed during an exam - it is usually an indicator of your motivation to do well!" says Ben. "Acknowledge that it's part of the process and you will be fine." Take a couple of long deep breaths at the start of the exam and read the paper thoroughly before you start your answers. Make sure you understand what you have to do before you begin.
Remember you have plenty of time. If you can't concentrate or you find your mind wandering, take a couple of minutes to compose yourself. Take a couple of deep breaths, have a drink of water and find your focus again before carrying on. "A good way of regaining composure is to spend some time controlling your muscles. Clench your fist and then concentrate on releasing your tension through your hand. Remind yourself how you can control small things and the rest will come naturally."
Take a break. If you really find yourself struggling in an exam, raise your hand and take a toilet break. Splash your face with cold water, and sit back down calmly. Slowly read the next question and carry on with the rest of the exam.
Stay positive.
The hardest things to overcome are our own negative thoughts, especially around exam time. It's easy for them to creep into our heads, especially when we are under pressure. Before you know it they're the only voices we can hear in our heads. We often exaggerate the bad things, and these can quickly turn into irrational fears: "It's too hard", "I'm going to mess it up", "I'm a failure" and "I'll get kicked out of uni". Sound familiar?
Remember you got where you are because you worked hard and learned well. Exams are just a chance to show how good you are. If you find your inner gremlin whispering doubts in your ear, give yourself calm, rational reassurances: "I've done plenty of tests before", "I'll do my best", "I'm just anxious: it will pass". Anticipation is usually worse than the event. You'll be fine - just keep calm and do your best.

Amazing Mosque of Djenne

Amazing Mosque of Djenne

It seems that time has stopped here. These were the homes in Djenne, probably, five centuries ago. So they stayed and now - entirely built of clay, in full accordance with the local traditional style. The most famous building in clay, carefully preserved here more than a century - Mosque, the largest such mosque in the Islamic world. 08 more images after the break...

Amazing Mosque of Djenne

Amazing Mosque of Djenne

Amazing Mosque of Djenne

Islam - the main religion of Mali, ninety percent of which are devout Muslims. In this case, not everywhere Islam is life itself, forming its foundation. Jenna - one of those places where a mosque - not just a house of prayer, and spiritual center of the city. And here is the greatest achievement of the Sudano-Sahelian style in architecture - clay mosque, the largest mosque in such a world.

Amazing Mosque of Djenne

Amazing Mosque of Djenne

Amazing Mosque of Djenne

The mosque is built entirely out of the bank - a mixture of clay, straw and manure. From the bank then build everything - there's even a special committee, diligence and for ensuring that all new buildings were erected in Djenne exclusively from the bank. Congregational mosque was built in the period between 1906 and 1909 years, and has since been repaired almost every year - the clay - a material is shaky, and if you do not upgrade every year, the walls and roof, the building just "melt" in the rainy season.

Amazing Mosque of Djenne

Amazing Mosque of Djenne

Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018

1. Dynamo Moscow
Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018
2. Spartak Moscow
Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018
3. Luzhniki, Moscow
Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018
4. Moscow region
Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018
5. St. Petersburg
Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018
6. Kaliningrad
Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018
7. Yaroslavl
Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018
8. Nizhny Novgorod
Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018
9. Kazan
Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018
10. Samara
Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018
11. Rostov-na-Donu
Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018
12. Volgograd
Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018
13. Saransk
Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018
14. Krasnodar
Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018
15. Sochi
Russian Stadiums For The World Cup 2018

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Complicated Braid Hair Styles

Complicated Braid Hair Styles
Complicated Braid Hair Styles
Complicated Braid Hair Styles
Complicated Braid Hair Styles
Complicated Braid Hair Styles
Complicated Braid Hair Styles
Complicated Braid Hair Styles
Complicated Braid Hair Styles
Complicated Braid Hair Styles
Complicated Braid Hair Styles

Ark Hotel - Worlds New Most Unique Hotel

Ark Hotel - Worlds New Most Unique Hotel

The Ark project was designed by Russian firm Remistudio with the assistance of the International Union of Architects’ program Architecture for Disasters Relief. The dome-shaped hotel is constructed with wooden arches, steel cables and a “self-cleaning” plastic layer instead of glass. The slinky-like Ark hotel can be adapted to suit both land and water. It is built to stay afloat in the event of floods or rising seas. The 14,000 square metre shell-like construction of arches and cables distributes the weight evenly, meaning it can withstand earthquakes. Daylight is filtered through to internal rooms due to the hotel’s see-through structure, reducing the need for lighting. 09 More images after the break...
Designed as: “an integrated energy system with an uninterruptible power supply using alternative energy sources”, the hotel uses solar panels and a rainwater collection system to provide inhabitants with power and water. It would be built around a central pillar connecting to roof-top wind generators and heat pumps, as well as to energy storage and thermal conversion units below.There will also be a “tornado” energy generating spiral at the top of the pillar.

Ark Hotel - Worlds New Most Unique Hotel
Ark Hotel - Worlds New Most Unique Hotel
Ark Hotel - Worlds New Most Unique Hotel
Ark Hotel - Worlds New Most Unique Hotel
Ark Hotel - Worlds New Most Unique Hotel
Ark Hotel - Worlds New Most Unique Hotel
Ark Hotel - Worlds New Most Unique Hotel
Ark Hotel - Worlds New Most Unique Hotel
Ark Hotel - Worlds New Most Unique Hotel

Worlds Largest Clock in Makkah

Worlds Largest Clock in Makkah
Worlds Largest Clock in Makkah
Worlds Largest Clock in Makkah
Worlds Largest Clock in Makkah
Worlds Largest Clock in Makkah
Worlds Largest Clock in Makkah
Worlds Largest Clock in Makkah
Worlds Largest Clock in Makkah
Worlds Largest Clock in Makkah
Worlds Largest Clock in Makkah
Worlds Largest Clock in Makkah
Worlds Largest Clock in Makkah
Worlds Largest Clock in Makkah
Worlds Largest Clock in Makkah